Legal notice

Proximum365 SAS

Registered Office:
24 Quai Gallieni
92150 Suresnes
SIRET: 424 540 441 000 54


The layout and contents of this website constitute together a work protected by existing laws on intellectual property, of which PROXIMUM365 is the owner. Unless indicated otherwise, names and logos are registered trademarks of PROXIMUM365.

This website is published by: PROXIMUM365
Design, construction: PROXIMUM365


Hosting company: OVH


Protecting the data generated by the Vimeet application was already an integral part of our ethical values. We did not wait for the General Data Protection Regulation draft to do so. We support our customers in the management and security of their Vimeet related data by helping them adopt best practices and comply with new European laws. Find the official text of the GDPR law here.

Privacy policy

Download our Privacy policy

The French Data Protection Act of January 06, 1978 allows you to modify or delete information related to your registration on our site, blog or webmagazine at any time. PROXIMUM365 respects French legislation on the protection of privacy and keeps your personal information confidential. In accordance with Article 34 of the French Data Protection Act, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete any data concerning you. To exercise this right, please contact us directly at the following address

Cookies policy

PROXIMUM365 uses "cookies" to store information about you such as your professional email address. We undertake never to rent or resell the information you entrust to us to any organization whatsoever. However, we may pass on your details to our network of distributor/integrator partners as part of the implementation of our solutions. You can refuse cookies by adjusting your browser settings.